Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom !

It's my mom's birthday...
it should be her 66th birthday.

Let me recalls her life as she has always told me.
She came from a big family, of 14 siblings, 3 of them died while in their infancy. Another was given away. Those were the old days when all everyone did is producing babies. I'm glad i am not in that generation.

Even though her grandparents are well to do family, her father wasn't that good business man. He flounders the family wealth and business. My maternal grandfather is a gambler. He practically gambles the family wealths, fortunes and happiness away.

So, my mom has to work even at tender age. She always told me how she has to work at bricks factory, carrying bricks at age nine. Which made her very tanned to this very day. And aside from working, she has to care for her younger siblings and do household chores as well.

She do have a very difficult life. But she was hardworking and never stops working, even up to this day. She can never sit still. Probably her engine are very much tuned to work on and on.

As a child, i am a very fortunate to be her daughter. As she would take cares of everything for me and my siblings. Such that, we just have to concentrate on our studies and career. She is a very supportive mom. When dad didn't bring in enough income, she started sewing part time at home, and then babysits too.

So, i gets early baby caring crash course when i was just 12. :D
And her hardworking spirit somehow rubbed on me. All we ever think of was trying to work more to earn extra. Thats why most of my school holidays were spent working as temporary sales girl, selling sweet corn, clothes and in a restaurant. Sometimes, after working full time, i had another part time job waiting for me.

My main objectives was to give my pay to her, so that she can clears the debts. Those were the days when there is such thing as 'I.O.U' with the local sundry shop. They just took some groceries and charge them to the account. The boss of the shop somehow trusted them. I don't think people nowadays gives this kind of IOUs anymore....

Today, my siblings family and mine, celebrated her birthday together.
We went for hi-tea at the Atas Brasserie, Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was so packed with peoples. It has been quite a long time ago that i last visited that place. Foods was okay, not much to be expected as they are charging at RM38++ per person.

I was hungry, so busy eating that i forgot to snaps any picture... LOL>>
or was i too happy in my family's companion? In this kind of ocassion, i tend to just forget how good or bad the food is. Most importantly are the companions. And we hang out there until 4.30pm with full bloated tummy.

Later , we went over to sunway pyramid. At 6pm, we got into Redbox for Karaoke sessions.
Everyone was busy singing. But mom did not sing. :D hahaha...
well, just for the fun of togetherness... so, we eats buffets served by the Redbox Sunway again.
By this time, my belly kind of being too 'tight' with food... I feel very much like a pig.
Imagine two buffets in a day ?

Oi Lee commented that the foods served at the Redbox was much better than Legend's.
We sang until 11.45pm. that was long, almost 5 hours. But we did had fun. Seing mom's happy.
Probably she might feel even happier if Jason and his family were able to join in.

I hope i would be able to bring mom see the other part of the world. She has toured singapore, China, Thailand and HK. But she has never seen the europeans cities, the other side of the planet.
If you give her a map, she wouldn't be able to tell where exactly is thailand or singapore. I hope she gets to travel while she can. May she have a healthy old age life. Good health are more important than anything for them.

I love you Mom....

Monday, December 03, 2007

It's POSITIVE ! @_@"

There is something special about our body. They let us know when something's different.
In Science, we calls it hormonal changes. In spiritial, we calls it Sixth Sense.

It was these time, that both works the same for me. I should had noticed earlier, just that i didn't care much. Until few nights ago, i starts to recalls back the changes i had in me. My daily routines seems to have changed.

I felt my pulse was quicker than usual. Even when i am lying down. I felt unusually heaty.
Then i remembered the few days before, how i had felt so hungry all the time. If i don't eats, i felt emptiness on my stomach that i can feels nauseating.

And i started to takes afternoon naps, and naps every now and then...

Oh my! Then it dawned on me... My period should be here last week or this week ? Or the next week ? Everytime i fails to keep tracks, these are the time i couldn't be too sure.

But deep inside me, seems to be already sure what is happening.
I remembered i still had one test left from the last time i tested positive for my third baby, which was...3 years ago ? I checked the expiry date on the box... it says Expires before 11 2007!

And it was 1st of December ! Anyway, i wanted a quick answer, so used the test anyway.
Then the waiting is on. Not for very long though, the liquid ( urine lah ) starts seeping up the test stick. One line emerged...... and then, the second line too !

So, the box says, if there's two line, that means the test positive !
But i wasn't too sure, because the box is kind of expired anyway... Eventhough, my whole body seems to be giving the same message to me. Afterall, i have gone through 3 pregnancy !

So, yesterday i went to the pharmacy to pick up another test box again. The same kind of 2 test kit inside one box. I don't know why i had been getting this since my 2nd pregnancy. :) Probably i can be called as 'a loyal customer'... LOL !

This second test outcome was the same.... so , currently it's confirmed . The 4th baby is coming...

Haven't go check with my gynae though.... kind of lazy, thinking about all the whole same process all over again.....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Its been a long while,,, and i am Tagged !

Updates of events
I have been taking a break from surfing with my notebook, eversince it was down with a terrible virus infection ! sleepless night , poring over all the net for read up on this virus , its symptons etc...

geesh... it sounds like some real disease that infects humans eh ? It does... it caused disruptive life to our otherwise smooth internet surfing activities... which has becomes a part of our modern day to day life events. At this point of life, i wished i am somewhat a genius computer expert or at least a smart hackers.... *sigh*.. that wasn't the case to be... my talents simply lies elsewhere.

anyway, after few days and nights, my notebook did conquer afterall, and won.... but still, i'm kinda lazy to start using it again... I begins to sounds like someone who has just got well from some skin disease and begins shunning public pool , public places, etc...

Anyway, as of till now, i am still using desktop PC now. :D
I have been spending so much time on Facebook... i think i am getting a Facebook overdosed !

Sunday Afternoon 25 November 2007
Today was a lazy sunday afternoon... and there was nothing much on lelong forum. so, i thought its a good time to check up on friends's blog....

as usual, Cloud7's blog still pretty stagnated with the 3 or was it 4 baby picture with no further updates ! As if the baby has comes to a standstill growth... *choiii *

And then, the next name in the list was Saxycookies's blog.. Oh, more updates from her. Interesting read... especially about her meeting up with her old friends! Makes me ponder, if my own friends can't recognize me as well ? I have changed alot too....

the next thing i knew... eh ! I was tagged ! Should i be happy ?
well, i am actually a lazy person, and i think nobody would procrastinate as much as i did....
thus, i thought i better quickly blog this down... If not, it would take ages... and get lost in the process. ( as did my many friends request for their carricatures to be drawn... :p )

Tagged !

1. if i was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
awww, i always imagined myself a cool dude ! lol ! wears Levi's jeans, white casual buttoned shirt, with sleeves folded halfway, unbuttoned up to the chest !

2. at 10am this morning, i was…
still sleeping

3. at 10pm tonight, i will be…
watching TV, perhaps ?

4. who should be the next malaysian prime minister?

someone with the capital N beginning in his name. ( i submit to this TAR theory )

5. if my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, i would…
expect him to do the same too.

6. if i was a piece of a car, i would be the…
gear box...

7. if i was told one day that i would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate or 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up?
i simply adores beach, so i give up chocolate ( no problem with it anyway )

8. singapore is good for…
..... to be honest, i can't think of an answer...

9. if i could only say 3 words before i die, what would those last words be?
can it be 4 ? " I will bless you "

10. who would i like to be left on a deserted island with?
any one of my idol would do... :D

11. die by drowning or by fire?
both also so painful eh.... don't want to choose !

12. what one single thing would you buy with your last rm9.95?
foods ?

13. if i opened a night club, what would i call it?
chilicandy >:D

14. don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”?
no idea... though i know i read this somewhere, but i simply can't conjure up this piece of memory.

15. I think my ass is…
.......... better looking now compare to when i was a teenage freak.

ok, i'll continue saxy's tradition and tagged the next 5 !.

1. Nancy Hoe
2. Alan Ang
3. CK ( andromedia )
4. Jimmy Choo
5. Joanne Hew

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dental visit !!!!

I have not had any dental checkup since i was 12.... Can't remember exactly when was the last visit. All i know is that, i had a patch done on one of my tooth back then. Which came off about one week after. -_-"...

And so, my teeths been fine and no problem. Until very recently, i started getting nagging pain on one of my big tooth. Yeah, there's some plaque there, but all is still fine with the brushing and gargling of mouth rinse.

anyway, until yesterday, the pain came back. And this time, its not an 'on and off' thing. The pain was constant, from yesterday until today. Yeah, i slept with the nagging pain. That means, i have sleepless night.

So, this afternoon... went for a dental visit. To get the pain fixed.
Gar helps contact a few of his friends, looking for some good dentist to recommend. hahaha...
that's the problem when we don't visit the dental for such a long period of time.
And listed down to one doctor in Seksyen 17. This friend of ours, apparently brought his daughter there for a tooth pulling out and find the occasion pleasant.

Well, thinking a child finds it 'okay' for that dental visit, this doctor should be 'fine'.

And so, i got there, filled up my form and waited patiently for my turn, with the nagging pain.
while waiting, a few more patients turns up. Seems like this doctor should be quite popular, to have number of patients during a weekday afternoon.

Once got in, the doctor ( with his mouth masked on ) asked me about my tooths problem.
And so, my explanations plus his check up on my teeths.
The results was....
My gums was infected, and one of the tooth has hole. This tooth with hole needs patching works done one week later, for he needs to put some medication inside it.

the other tooth, which was grown out from the lines..., was in pain too. It looks okay, but in actual, the gum was infected. So, thinking this tooth would be useless anyway, since its out of line and does not serve much purpose to my eating chomping routine. We decided to have this pulled out.

He started to clean the one with hole first, gave me a few injections near it. Took quite some time. And then a few more injections to pull out the tooth besides it.

ooh, my lips was partly numbed by then. And it wasn't an easy 'pulling' session.
When it was done, the tooth looks fine, with little plaque on its side. The leg of the tooth was really long. You would think this tooth is nothing wrong. But the sad part, its my gum that's already infected.

I guess, sometimes the tooth would be fine. But because of the plaques, the gums would be infected... and that's the pain!

So, right now, i still have this cotton bud inside my mouth...the part of the lips not so numbed anymore.. :D

Hopefully the pain would be gone, and i could fixed my other tooth next week.

well, this dental visit wasn't so dreadful afterall. Luckily the dentist was very attentive, and keep asking if i felt any pain.


Thinking of uploading my tooth's picture here, but it would be kind of gross for those who wanna have their dinner later... hahaha... nevermind.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

what's for lunch today ?

From chilicandy's kitchen today.

Fried two ikan kembung
Fried tofu with sliced porks, carrots, chillies and chinese parsley.
stir fry Siew Pak Choy with prawns.
Chinese spinach.

of course, there's soup too...
old cucumber with meats soup.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

feeling sick...

i falls sick again. Don't know why i am so weak this year.
The beginning of this year chinese new year, i was sick for almost one week plus.
And then, nearing to my birthday in mid year, i was sick again for almost a week.
Now, i am feeling sick again. This time it was flu, running nose and some fever that's not able to come out at all.

All i know is that i feels a total wreck now.

I have so much to do, and being sick doesn't help much. I am feeling so miserable right now !.

This picture of the greens i took in titiwangsa, the last time i went there.
I was hoping i could spot some clover leaf there. They says its a lucky leaf.
Talking about clover, recently i am so attracted to watching this anime series on Animax, Honey and Clover. Loves the arts and the storyline. The characters are cute and nice to watch too.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How Vain am I ?

You Are 39% Vain

Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all.
You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less.

haha ! My celebrities face looks alike !

how cool....

wish i am as pretty as them !

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

31 August 2007 - Malaysia's National Day

This special morning, i woke up before 8 am. A surprising feats, since i usually woke up much later on the past national days. Even saw the live telecast of the merdeka morning parade on 8TV.
I must say, the hosts on 8TV are much more a delights to watch than our national's TV hosts. I remember those days when we had to watch RTM 1 or 2 for the live telecast... and they are really plain boring. The commentators are always the same kind as those local football match commentators style.

The rest of the family was so grudgingly sleepy, that i was the only one sitting in front of the TV box. After lunch at the Kuchai Lama's Food court centre, we were driving around the city aimlessly.
Then Gar suggested to drive over to the Lake Garden to have a look around. It has been ages we have never been to the Lake Garden anyway.

And then , we thought of stopping by the Bird Parks to visit. But reached there, i don't feel like getting us all humid and sweatings. So, we drives on.

Then we saw the signs " Planetarium", which reminds me that Joanne told me before once. So, we just parked our car and walks up the flight of stairs to the Planetarium.

There was signages directing us to the ticket counter at the entrance of the Planetarium building.

So, i approached the ticketing counter, asking for the ticket prices. The lady seated behind the counter instead asked me, if i wanted to view the exhibitions only or view the 'tayangan ' ( show aired in their cinema ). I thought we just wanted to have a look around, so i say just exhibitions. And then the lady said it was free viewing today because of the Merdeka special holiday.

Of course its fine with us, since there are 5 of us. Being free , it would have saved us lots. Then the lady gave us a car sticker ( merdeka stuffs ), 5 long cards with 2008 calendar imprinted on one side, and ticket stubs at the end, and 5 black ball point pens.

Inside the Planetarium, I was a bit disappointed. As i have been to the Singapore Science Centre, was expecting something at least of the same kind. But it was more on informations, some little experimental lights things. The only best part we can find inside the exhibits are the black hole and the gravity effect cubicle.

Then it was time for the viewing at the Planetarium cinema. And i thought we are going to see some space movie, or maybe some documentaries about outer space, since the screen was the sphere like roof above us.

But they showed a documentary about human's body. Anyway, its still educational for the kids... for me, i see for the first time inside the lungs, they looks like some keropok ikan dipped in water, fluffy kind... lol !

The show was kind of long, that the kids gets fidgetty. The other childrens in the cinema starts getting restless too.

When it ended, we took a lift up to see the nice view surrounding the Planetarium. Though its not as high as KL Tower, at least its free.... haha. And with those powerful binoculars like, we get to view more buildings up close.

The place was not very big or spacious, so at certain stretch we have to squeezed ourselves to get through if someone is standing in the way.
Lingering there long and soon we realized everyone have deserted the place. Hehe...

when we finally gets down again, the place was already empty of visitors.

At the end of the flight of stairs down again, there was the ice-cream. Bought some ice creams to eat before we leaves.

We did stopped by a short while at the nearby park with children's playground.

A very free and easy day for us to celebrate this Merdeka Holiday. Some kind of Merdeka for us.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Penang Holiday 22-24 August 2007

Left home around 7.40am... and it was very smooth drive up to penang. Though along the way, there were many stretches of upgrading road works, where we have to drive one lanes.
Luckily this is not a heavy holiday season. Reached Penang just slightly after 11 am. And we are not even speeding over the highway limits.

How nice if we could drive the same speed and reach at the minimum time spent on the highways during festive holidays breaks ?

This time, we stayed at Holiday Inn, Batu Feringghi. Much nearer to the beach and more nearer to the Feringghi night market. The Family studio that we booked are spacious and large. For RM 529.00 nett per night, we gets a king sized bed, one single bed and a double bed together, all these together in one big room... probably measuring approximately 12' x 24' or maybe more...
A balcony, but facing the hillside... haha, no sea view. Large bathroom with bath tub, shower cubicle, a toilet bowl, and one sink but wide table. The downside of having everyone in one room, we have to take turns to bath and use the toilet... lol !

Had very fun time at the beach side, but little jing wasn't too keen having her feet on the sandy beach. The most we could get are her foot imprints on the sand.
It was causing so much discomfort for this little city girl, who seldom walks barefooted on soils or grass anyway.... :D

Troughout this trip, we spend more time at the hotel, more playing by the seaside and swimming.
All of us ended up more tanned ....

The slight improvements for this trip, we get to be a bit more adventurous in eating hawker's food... anyway, towards the last day we ended up eating KFC. Because everyone was too hot and tired to go elsewhere.

Second day, we visited Fort Conwalis, the first place where the british first steps their foots on this Penang island and build their fortress.
Well, we have to pay RM3 ( adults ) RM 2 ( kids ) to enter the premises.

There were these wild horses... totally free to roam wherever they wished to go.

The loud neighing are enough to deter everyone from getting too near to them.

Inside the compound, there is the first chapel built in Penang. But sadly, its bare inside, with nothing to indicate that it's been a small church. I wonder why there's not even one cross or any of its kind inside. Which reminds me of my primary school, convent sentul. It used to be runs by missionaries, the convents sisters. And i remember seing cross with jesus figurines hung in every classrooms. They were removed later when i was in standard 2. Even the cross inside our convent school badge were removed as well.

I felt, a history ground should had been left to its original states if possible. Anyway, the fortress building still stands is already a good thing, compared to the Portugues forts in Malacca.

There were a few prison's cells in a row, with the other cells among the same row being converted into some display galleries. Nothing much, some artifacts of broken chinas, stones, bricks, etc.
Some pictures and descriptions on the fort, the upgrading works. Each of these tiny gallery are fitted with an air-cond. A relief indeed from the hot evening weather.

The swing which replicated what sir Francis Light first had at the fort. Not sure if it's the same exact spot.

Swinging around.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My new spectacles

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cool or not ? DKNY black plastic frame.... the box is even more cool... LOL...
well, my previous spectacles was broken quite some time ago. And i had been wearing my old glasses which is lose at near the nose frame there. The screw will falls out once a while, and at times the glass piece of the right side would suddenly falls out.

so, last saturday went down to the optical shop in campbell, KL. The shop that i had been getting my glasses and lenses supplies since long long ago..... The Boss was around, so it was easier to bargain for good pricing. LOL !

I even got 5 boxes of FreshKon color lense too. 1 amethyst, 1 hazel brown, 1 brown, 2 greens.
Now i am wearing the green lenses. Not very green, just that it do looks much different than brown. Maybe next time, i can try the black lense, those extra bigger pupils effects.. I wonder if i would frightened more than attracts....haha

21 July 2007 - Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows

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On this special morning, he gets me this final copy of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows from Carrefour, Midvalley Megamall, KL.

Well, they gave a poster - of the I would have been happier if they had given a poster of the cast of Harry Potter, or maybe a poster that consist of all the 7 books' illustrations... :D

There was the bright orange bag that comes with the book. And a freebies goody bag. Inside the bag, there is a pen, a small plastic container, a coloring book, a soft toy and a small mirror.
I took almost 3 days to finish reading the book. Its kind of addictive halfway through the book. I don't feel like stopping even when the clock shows 5 a.m. :) Anyway, i can only reads at night, as daytime much too busy with works.

Now i am trying to look for the children's version Hard cover book 1 - 4 . Tried searching through most of the bookshops in K.L and P.J . But still havn't been unsuccesful.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Love is .....?

I am very much in the lovey dovey mood. All because of 'Silence'. I bumped across this 'silence' - shen qing mi ma , taiwanese drama starred by Vic Chou and Park Eun Hye, while browsing the U-tube.

The songs are catchy, the main chinese song sang by harlem yu is nice. And there is this english song played whenever the two main cast on scene. 'Try to remember'.

It just dawned on me, why love seems to be much more meaningful when there is little time left ? People can just wasted lots of time everyday, not showing truly what they felt. Or Appreciate the time they have for each other.

Almost always, only in time of danger or facing imminent death from some incurable disease... That you started to appreciate someone that you loved ?

We never knew what would happens tomorrow. We never knew if we still live tomorrow when we walks out the door. But we always forgets that our life is just as fragile as a piece of glass. That can shattered if accident happens.

Hopefully i don't wake up one day to find myself with some incurable disease. -_-"
though, my paternal family do have a history of heart problems. I'm optimistic i should be free from the curse.