Sunday, November 25, 2007

Its been a long while,,, and i am Tagged !

Updates of events
I have been taking a break from surfing with my notebook, eversince it was down with a terrible virus infection ! sleepless night , poring over all the net for read up on this virus , its symptons etc...

geesh... it sounds like some real disease that infects humans eh ? It does... it caused disruptive life to our otherwise smooth internet surfing activities... which has becomes a part of our modern day to day life events. At this point of life, i wished i am somewhat a genius computer expert or at least a smart hackers.... *sigh*.. that wasn't the case to be... my talents simply lies elsewhere.

anyway, after few days and nights, my notebook did conquer afterall, and won.... but still, i'm kinda lazy to start using it again... I begins to sounds like someone who has just got well from some skin disease and begins shunning public pool , public places, etc...

Anyway, as of till now, i am still using desktop PC now. :D
I have been spending so much time on Facebook... i think i am getting a Facebook overdosed !

Sunday Afternoon 25 November 2007
Today was a lazy sunday afternoon... and there was nothing much on lelong forum. so, i thought its a good time to check up on friends's blog....

as usual, Cloud7's blog still pretty stagnated with the 3 or was it 4 baby picture with no further updates ! As if the baby has comes to a standstill growth... *choiii *

And then, the next name in the list was Saxycookies's blog.. Oh, more updates from her. Interesting read... especially about her meeting up with her old friends! Makes me ponder, if my own friends can't recognize me as well ? I have changed alot too....

the next thing i knew... eh ! I was tagged ! Should i be happy ?
well, i am actually a lazy person, and i think nobody would procrastinate as much as i did....
thus, i thought i better quickly blog this down... If not, it would take ages... and get lost in the process. ( as did my many friends request for their carricatures to be drawn... :p )

Tagged !

1. if i was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
awww, i always imagined myself a cool dude ! lol ! wears Levi's jeans, white casual buttoned shirt, with sleeves folded halfway, unbuttoned up to the chest !

2. at 10am this morning, i was…
still sleeping

3. at 10pm tonight, i will be…
watching TV, perhaps ?

4. who should be the next malaysian prime minister?

someone with the capital N beginning in his name. ( i submit to this TAR theory )

5. if my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, i would…
expect him to do the same too.

6. if i was a piece of a car, i would be the…
gear box...

7. if i was told one day that i would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate or 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up?
i simply adores beach, so i give up chocolate ( no problem with it anyway )

8. singapore is good for…
..... to be honest, i can't think of an answer...

9. if i could only say 3 words before i die, what would those last words be?
can it be 4 ? " I will bless you "

10. who would i like to be left on a deserted island with?
any one of my idol would do... :D

11. die by drowning or by fire?
both also so painful eh.... don't want to choose !

12. what one single thing would you buy with your last rm9.95?
foods ?

13. if i opened a night club, what would i call it?
chilicandy >:D

14. don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”?
no idea... though i know i read this somewhere, but i simply can't conjure up this piece of memory.

15. I think my ass is…
.......... better looking now compare to when i was a teenage freak.

ok, i'll continue saxy's tradition and tagged the next 5 !.

1. Nancy Hoe
2. Alan Ang
3. CK ( andromedia )
4. Jimmy Choo
5. Joanne Hew

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